Waiting for you to come home


Last night, I tried but I couldn’t sleep
My mind danced, eyes twitched
My belly rumbled, just as the doorbell rings

I stand, sit and rise again
Please Lord, no soldiers today
It’s been a year of cold waiting
Through lonely winter nights
And pillows of tears
Silent rhythms of body aging
Aging from the lack of you here

Do come home
When the evil war passes over
Its sweet ending brings us together
Let the promise of forever stay stronger
Sipping sweet scents into my life

As I stand to open my home’s door
Let it be no soldier of death

I look through my door’s hole
A glimpse of dread
Sturdy fellow on the other side peeps back
A braveness takes over

I open with peace
He opens his lips
He bravely shatters my soul
Today is the end
He spills tales of death like it’s fame
Another one of us has fallen today, he says

Fallen or died?
For justice or political ego?
His death holds no gallant victory for me
It’s bleeding sorrow

Lord, I had prayed the fallen one won’t bear this address or name.

Authors note
Lately, the thought of war and the pain it leaves behind has overwhelmed me. We do not want war; we want peace, love, joy and life abundantly.

Thanks for reading.


  1. I like your poems: the age of innocence & freedom of childhood, and the pains one encounters in adulthood - the anguish of wars and the possibility of losing loved ones.

    I'm no poet but these are readable and v. easy on the mind to digest because we've all gone through the same feelings and/or experiences.

    I'm sure if you work at your God-given talent by reading the masters, studying more, for example taking courses in poetry-writing, you will get THERE.

    Best of luck.

  2. Thank you ma. I really appreciate you stopping by. I would definitely work harder to get better.

  3. Sweet sentiments carried well on/by the lines.
    "Fallen or died" for justice or political ego. Loved that part best. You switched the positions though -"justice" X "political ego". You wrote political ego or justice. I think the courier would have said justice.

  4. Oh, that's so true. it does sound better the way you have suggested. thanks for reading. I must add , I am slowly starting a blog on wordPress. Though, I may still keep this one. People like you, influenced that decision. And pls don't ask how. Lol.

  5. Hahahaha!!!!! I think I know how. (Though I be pontificating. For how can I know the deep mind of the writer.)
    Spotted your blog. You are warmly welcome aboard.

  6. Yes, lets keep it as, "how can you know the deep mind of the writer. It so dark you can delve into it completely." Well ... Thank you.


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