
Quotation 101

By Shally A. Hiya everyone! This week we would explore different quotes. I have come across some amazing quotes that will change your perspective. How am I sharing? Daily; I will a post a few quotes daily and would love to get your thoughts on them. You can explain what these words mean to you and how you can apply the principles (if any) you have learnt from them. I would write my own thoughts after every quote. I hope you get inspired. If you do, please drop a comment to inspire others. Thanks. :) Quote I I guess to be born; we do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch; the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing. We do not most of us, choose to die, nor do we choose the time and condition of our death. But within the realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we live” – Joseph Epstein Not one of us chooses to be born in a third world nation or in a first world. We didn’t choose Nigeria, it choose